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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Maan Gaye Mughall-E-Azam (2008) PreDvDRip Download



Maan Gaye Mughal-E-Azam is a mad, contemporary comedy about how a small town drama company gets involved in a deadly mission to save the country.

Circa 1993 - The country was burning due to the Babri mosque demolition and communal riots. A small town like St. Louise near Goa, where Police, CBI and RAW officers were out on high alert due to illegal activities like Rdx and Arms landing at the coastal area!

Set up in the same town is Kalakar Theatre Company, a theatre group Kalakar Natak Company of self indulgent dreamy actors who are always left with no choice but to perform the same age old period play 'Maan Gaye Mughall-E-Azam' every time. One fine day, they come to know that, an underworld don is planning a severe bomb blast in the country. A funny and thrilling roller-coaster ride begins when the entire drama company designs 'A Deadly Game plan' and gets into the act to save the entire city from this blasts. Performing multiple roles in disguise, the characters make you go crazy, and eventually save the entire nation from the big bomb blast in a hilarious slapstick climax.

Arjun Rastogi (Rahul Bose) is a RAW agent who is on his way to save the world from a disaster. The way in which the theatre actors join the brave mission and help Arjun achieve his goal contructs the rest of the plot.

MGMEA is a story of losers becoming winners... 'Actors' becoming 'Heroes' ...A comedy which thinks and winks!

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1132595/

Download Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=A5XLJXVH

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