What makes this book stand head and shoulders above other introductory guides to HTML is that you�ll learn the latest fully standards-compliant, best-practice techniques from the very beginning.
Armed with the knowledge youll gain from this book, youll build web sites that:
* Look good on Windows, Mac and Linux computers
* Will function correctly whether your visitors are using Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera or Safari
* Are easy to update and maintain
* Are accessible to disabled users who use screen readers to view your web site
The book also includes a comprehensive XHTML reference, complete with examples of use, which will ensure that this book remains a valuable desk reference for years to come.
What Will I Learn?
Build Your Own Web Site The Right Way Using HTML & CSS's step-by-step tutorial format is so easy to follow, you�ll be able to build professional looking web sites in no time!
Read this book, and you�ll:
* Find out where to find all the free tools necessary to build your site
* Become an HTML web design guru
* See how easy it is to style your web pages with CSS
* Learn how to create and convert images for use on web sites
* Get some excellent advice on laying out your page
* Discover how and when to use tables on your pages
* Build a complete, functional web site that you can customize for your own use
* Let your visitors interact with your site using form elements
* Find the best web host for your site and get your site online
* Learn how to add a blog to your site and keep it updated
* Understand whos visiting your web site using web site statistics
* Let users search your site to find what they're looking for.
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